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It's best to heed warnings, but once you're down the rabbit hole, there's no turning back, and no escape.

Hope you guys learned as much making this game, as I enjoyed playing it :o]

Well done!

Am looking forward to more work coming my way!

I didn’t run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags. Kudos to all involved and thanks for making this awesome game.


Thank you for playing and for your encouragement Mr. Rich!

You're welcome. Please keep on making more games and good luck while you're at it :o]

I don't really know what I just played, but not a bad first game! The enemy AI is really basic and the large gator full-on got stuck, but everyone starts somewhere and I look forward to what you come up with in the future!

Appreciate the support and thank you for giving our little game a shot.
As you say, it's a first step, as clunky as it is - everyone starts somewhere.